OBDEleven :
Is it worth buying if you own a Vag car?
Product Review
Is it worth buying if you own a Vag car?.
I purchased this product knowing that it was a unique diagnostic tool with lots of added features. As an owner of Vag cars, a newer model(2015) and older model(2002) this product lead me to the exciting opportunity to understand when my car is performing at a healthy or unhealthy state. This tool grew on me when I started researching the number of features built-in. I could turn on existing features built into my newer model Audi, such as needle sweep, etc, for FREE and without losing my warranty. Something so small is so amazing and leveraging to current technology.
When using the tool, I found that features could be turned on with a toggle, however, for a credit fee. This is for the beginner and less technical users. The credits are not actual money. Credits can be earned or bought if required. So how does this credit thing work? Credits are earned for free depending on the level that you are on. You will receive one credit every day for just logging on. You can also increase the chance of earning more credits by watching a few ads which appear. If time is a problem, you can buy a substantial amount if/when needed. For the advanced user and ones with greater knowledge, there are more advanced features available, such as long coding to turn on and of features, as well as use the adaption option to do the same.
I have been using the tool to do expert garage scans on both my cars and have used it to turn on a few features on my 2015 model car.
Check out the link below containing the YouTube playlist showing you the features that I have turned on in my car.
Credits are Free
Logging and scanning of vehicle
Clear faults
Turning on and off features
Can be used on multiple cars
Reasonably priced
ROI will be reached after +- 15 scans
Only for Android device users(Old version Only)
Some features are expensive(100 Credits)
Full Scans are long
This product is for Vag Group car owners, this will help you log and scan your cars and assist with troubleshooting. It is also mostly used by workshop and garage owners.
The quality of the product is overall of good quality. Once a fault is scanned and found, the application can provide Google search results containing more details and discussions. There is a lot of content relating to the product. Support forums and car groups are always sharing their findings online.
The tool is easy to use. The user will plug into the OBD port, install the application on the device being used, connect via Bluetooth, and log in to the application.
Once the above set up is done, it’s easy to scan and navigate through the menus to get to the feature required for the work to be carried out.
Cellphones take a bit longer to connect to the tool.
Full scans are long on the application.
Sometimes it loses the connection between the application and the tool.
The tool fits snug into the OBD port on some cars, however, it is hard to pull out due to the limited area available on the tool once plugged in.
The only other alternative I have come across has been the Ross VCDS tool, its much more expensive and does run off a cellphone but the setup is complicated, other than that you will need a laptop and a cable.
Other Bluetooth tools lack the ability to do more, with most being used to clear major faults and monitoring of the car’s data.
Is it worth buying if you own a Vag car? YES!!!,
I enjoy my OBDEleven tool and use it often in my cars, it’s really amazing, and it was not expensive. With this tool I discovered issues in my car such as boost leaks, which was repaired, fortunately, this did not require time in the garage and I did not have to pull out a little cash from my pocket, but I would have not discovered this defect without the tool.
Getting your car to a garage when there’s a warning light on your dash can be time-consuming and expensive for the everyday guy (or girl). Use of it can stop garages from overcharging you for fault finding and repairs, owners now can have peace of mind knowing what is being dealt with. This tool and the application is supported and kept updated. It is quite exciting to turn off those annoying features or features that improve your car
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